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College man in a sentence

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Sentence count:10Posted:2021-07-14Updated:2021-07-14
Similar words: collegecollege boyeton collegecollege girlcollege leveljunior collegecollege studentcommunity collegeMeaning: n. a student (or former student) at a college or university. 
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(1) A-Boy, Mama, that sounds nice. Me, a college man.
(2) PARA: Actually, these things characterize him as a college man, and make their parents proud of him which can be understood.
(3) The college man expected to get a warm welcome from the villagers.
(4) Another was a college man , but he began in the boiler room .
(5) When I complained that was insulting for a college man, my mother refused to sympathize.
(6) He had believed that a country girl like her would find him wonderful[], a college man with great ambitions.
(7) These are the very things that qualify him as a college man, and arouse an understandable pride in his parents.
(8) "This will be hard on my mother and father, " he said. "Their one idea is for me to be a college man.
(9) To the best of my knowledge, he is a college man, but I may be mistaken.
(10) It is these things indeed which mark him out as a college man and bring about a very reasonable pride in the minds of his parents.
More similar words: collegecollege boyeton collegecollege girlcollege leveljunior collegecollege studentcommunity collegetraining collegedartmouth collegebusiness collegeelectoral collegecollegiancollegialcollegiateintercollegiateallegeallegedallegedlytoll collectorlegerdemainPerformance Managementit is alleged thatcolletbargemancolleencollectgarbage mandecolletecollected
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